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Rack EL – Enterprise Leadership
Aisle E — Defense Enterprise
Library: Main Page — Professional Development (A) — Defense Enterprise (E) — Force Structure (F) — Modernization (M) — Personnel (P) — Readiness (R) — Special Enterprises (S) — Resource Management (X) — References (Z)
Defense Enterprise (E): Organization of DoD (EA) — Defense Business Area (EB) — Civil-Military Relations (EC) — Interagency Operations (EI) — Risk Management (EK) — Enterprise Leadership (EL) — Global Context (EN) — Strategic Planning (ES) — Defense Transformation (ET)
Disclaimer: The inclusion of resources here is for informational, historical, and research purposes only and is provided as a service for US Army War College faculty, students, and graduates to support their educational and professional requirements. These may include outdated or superseded materials. The inclusion of these materials does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army War College, the U.S. Army, or Department of Defense.
This rack is about senior leadership within the context of the defense enterprise, distinct from the considerations of senior leadership in the Strategic Leadership (SL) course, for example. Whereas SL concerns itself with the individual, human dimension of leadership and the primary motors of organizational behavior, these resources focus on how to guide the defense bureaucracy.
This shelf presently provides all available information on enterprise leadership. This is a stub and distinct shelves for theoretical matters and practice will be broken out in the future.
Faculty Publications:
- Allen, Charles D. and George J. Woods, “Developing Army Enterprise Leaders,” Military Review (July-August 2015): 42-49.
- Meinhart, Richard M. Strategic Planning by the Chairmen, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1990 to 2005 (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2006).
- Meinhart, Richard M. Joint Strategic Planning System Insights: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1990-2012 (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2014).
- Meinhart, Richard M. “Joint Strategic Planning System Insights: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 1990 to 2012” (faculty paper, Carlisle, PA: Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, 2013). Available on request.
Laws, Policies, Memos, and Regulations (sorted by regulation number):
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Strategic Planning System, CJCS Instruction 3100.01D (Washington, DC: Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2018).
- Leadership memoranda:
- Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) / Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS):
- CJCS ADM Michael Mullen, CJCS Guidance for 2007-2008, 1 October 2007.
- CJCS ADM Michael Mullen, CJCS Guidance for 2008-2009, 1 October 2008.
- Secretary of the Army (SECARMY) and Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA):
- SECARMY Christine E. Wormuth, Message to the Force, February 8, 2022.
- CSA James C. McConville, “Initial Message to the Army Team“, 2019.
- SECARMY Mark Esper & CSA GEN Mark Milley, The Army Vision, 2017.
- Also see from the Army Publishing Directorate:
- Current CSA Papers and Strategic Notes are available at (local copies not presently maintained)
- Full list of Active Army General Orders are available at
- Full list of Inactive Army General Orders are available at
- The website also contains all active administrative, technical, and doctrinal documents but does not contain superseded versions — as available, superseded versions are made available via local copy on this site.
- Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) and Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF):
- SECAF Michael W. Wynne, “Letter to Airmen: Air Force Smart Operations 21“, March 8, 2006.
- Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) / Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS):
Strategies and Reports:
- Barno, David, et al. Building Better Generals (Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security (2013),
- Haynes, M. A. K. T. and R. Serpa. “Strategic Leadership for the 21st Century,” Business Horizons 53 (2010): 437-444,
- Hunt, James G. and Robert L. Phillips, 1996 Army Symposium: “Leadership Challenges of the 21st Century Army: Executive Summary, ARI Research Note #96-63 (Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute, 1996).
- Williams, Garland H. (editor). Perspectives on Leadership (Fort Lee, VA: Army Management Staff College, 2008).
- Zaccaro, Stephen J. Models and Theories of Executive Leadership: A Conceptual/ Empirical Review and Integration (Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral Sciences, October 1996),
Commentaries and Topics (inclusion does not represent endorsement):
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., “Farewell Address,” U.S. National Archives & Records Administration, originally delivered 1961.
- Hendell, Garri. “Our Army: Run by Engineers, Preoccupied with Process?” WAR ROOM, July 5, 2018,
- Odierno, Ray M. “The Force of Tomorrow,” Foreign Policy, February 4, 2013,
- Powell, Colin M. “A Leadership Primer,” PowerPoint Presentation, 1997.
- Inspector General Reports and the function of internal review:
Title image credit: Robert Ward, U.S. Department of Defense via Wikimedia Commons, public domain.
Defense Enterprise (E): Organization of DoD (EA) — Defense Business Area (EB) — Civil-Military Relations (EC) — Interagency Operations (EI) — Risk Management (EK) — Enterprise Leadership (EL) — Global Context (EN) — Strategic Planning (ES) — Defense Transformation (ET)
Library: Main Page — Professional Development (A) — Defense Enterprise (E) — Force Structure (F) — Modernization (M) — Personnel (P) — Readiness (R) — Special Enterprises (S) — Resource Management (X) — References (Z)