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Rack PC – Civilian Personnel Management
Aisle P – Personnel & Talent Management
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Personnel (P): Manpower Strategies (PA) — Civilian Pers. Management (PC) — Development & Evaluation (PD) — Professional Military Education (PE) — Pay & Benefits (PP) — Recruiting & On-Boarding (PR) — Training & Credentialing (PT) — Utilization (PU) — All-Volunteer Force & Selective Service (PV) — Casualty & Survivor Programs (PX) — Service & Joint Personnel (PZ)
Disclaimer: The inclusion of resources here is for informational, historical, and research purposes only and is provided as a service for US Army War College faculty, students, and graduates to support their educational and professional requirements. These may include outdated or superseded materials. The inclusion of these materials does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army War College, the U.S. Army, or Department of Defense.
This rack is specific to the civilian personnel management systems of the defense enterprise and military services. Those processes that civilians shared with military or are exclusively military will be placed on other shelves.
This shelf contains general resources on theory and practice of civilian personnel and talent management.
Faculty Publications:
- None.
Laws, Policies, Memos, and Regulations (sorted by regulation number):
- Army Materiel Command Pamphlet 690-9, Civilian Deployment Guide, 2007.
- Army Regulation 10-89, Civilian Personnel Evaluation and Analysis Office, 2022.
- Army Regulation 690-11, Department of the Army Expeditionary Civilians, 2024.
- Army Regulation 690-400, Chapter 4302: Total Army Performance Evaluation System, 1998.
- Army Regulation 690-950, Career Program Management: 2016 Version | 2001 Version
- ACTEDS (Army Civilian Training Education and Development System), Training Catalog, 2019.
- DoD, Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service, Strategic Workforce Planning Guide, 2016.
- DoD Instruction 1100.22, Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix, Change 1, 2017.
- DoD Instruction 1400.25, DoD Civilian Personnel Management System, subdivided as follows:
- Volume 100, “General Provisions,” December 3, 1996.
- Volume 250, “Civilian Strategic Human Capital Planning,” June 7, 2016.
- Volume 410, “Training, Education, and Professional Development,” with Change 1, August 2, 2021.
- Volume 430, “Performance Management,” August 5, 2014.
- Volume 451, “Civilian Awards,” November 4, 2013.
- Volume 711, “Labor-Management Relations,” February 26, 2020.
- Volume 771, “Administrative Grievance System,” Change 1, June 13, 2018.
- Volume 920, “Senior Executive Service Performance Management System and Compensation Policy,” change 1, 2020.
- DoD Instruction 1438.06, DoD Workplace Violence Prevents and Response Policy, Change 1, 2020.
- OPM, Addressing and Resolving Poor Performance: A Guide for Supervisors, 2017.
- OPM, Guide to Senior Executive Service Qualifications, 2012.
- OPM, Guide to the Senior Executive Service, 2017.
- OPM, Senior Executive Service Desk Guide, 2020.
- Title 5 U.S. Code, Part II: Civil Service Functions and Responsibilities (as of 2015).
- Title 5 U.S. Code, Part III: Employees (as of 2015).
Strategies and Reports:
- Army, “The Army Civilian Corps — A Vital Component of the Army Profession” (white paper, Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2012).
- Army, Army Civilian Corps: New Employee Handbook (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, undated).
- Army, Army People Strategy: Civilian Implementation Plan (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2020).
- Army Corps of Engineers, 2012-2017 Human Capital Strategic Plan (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2012).
- Army G-1, Civilian Human Resources Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2019 (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2019).
- Center for Army Leadership, 2016 Center for Army Leadership Annual Survey of Army Leadership: Army Civilian Leader Findings, Technical Report 2017-02 (Fort Leavenworth, KS: Center for Army Leadership, 2017).
- Civilian Personnel Management Service, DoD Demographics as of May 31, 2009 (Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 2009).
- Farrell, Brenda S., HUMAN CAPITAL: Monitoring of Safeguards and Addressing Employee Perceptions Are Key to Implementing a Civilian Performance Management System in DOD, Report #GAO-10-102 (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2010).
- Farrell, Brenda S. and John P. Hutton. DOD CIVILIAN PERSONNEL: Competency Gap Analyses and Other Actions Needed to Enhance DoD’s Strategic Workforce Plans, Report #GAO-11-827T (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2011),
- Nataraj, Shanthi, Lawrence M. Hanser, Frank Camm, and Jessica Yeats, The Future of the Army’s Civilian Workforce: Comparing Projected Inventory with Anticipated Requirements and Estimating Cost Under Different Personnel Policies (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2014),
- Stewart, Derek B., DOD Personnel: DOD Actions Needed to Strengthen Civilian Human Capital Strategic Planning and Integration with Military Personnel and Sourcing Decisions, Report #GAO-03-475 (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2003).
- Office of Personnel Management, Biography of an Ideal: A History of the Federal Civil Service (Washington, DC: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 2003).
- Office of Personnel Management, Strategic Plan 2014-2018 (Washington, DC: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 2015).
- USD (P&R) and ASD (FMP), Civilian Human Resources Strategic Plan 2002-2008 (Washington, DC: Department of Defense, 2002).
- Warner, Jim and Natalie Lui Duncan, “Army Civilians — Professionals by Any Definition,” Army Civilian University (defunct), 2010.
Commentaries (inclusion does not represent endorsement):
- Friend, Alice H., “What Makes a Civilian?” WAR ROOM, September 8, 2022,
- Hall, John E., “Developing Leaders in the Army Civilian Corps,” U.S. Army website, January 4, 2016,
- Harshaw, Tobin, “The Pentagon’s Civilians are Unhappy: That’s Dangerous for Us All,” Bloomberg Opinion, May 16, 2019,
- Nyczepir, Dave, “DOD’s new HR system presents change management ‘issue’,” FedScoop (blog), June 21, 2019,
- Peters, Katherine M., “What’s Wrong with the Pentagon’s Civilian Personnel System?” Government Executive, March 20, 2017,
This shelf is reserved for materials pertaining to the civilian education system and associated efforts to transform civilian education opportunities.
Faculty Publications:
- None.
Laws, Policies, Memos, and Regulations (sorted by regulation number):
- DoD Instruction 1430.16, Growing Civilian Leaders: 2022 version | 2009 version
- ALARACT 131/2006, “Army-Wide Coordination of the Army Civilian Education System Draft Policy,” 2006.
- ALARACT 254/2008, “The Civilian Education System ‘Continuing Education for Senior Leaders’ Course,” 2008.
- ALARACT 260/2008, “Civilian Education System Policy Update,” 2008.
- Army G-1 CPOL, “Army Civilian Leaders for the 21st Century” (presentation, Washington, DC: Department of the Army, undated).
- Army G-1 CPOL, “Accelerated Transformation of the Civilian Education System,” (presentation, Washington, DC: Department of the Army, undated).
- Army G-1 CPOL, “CES Resident Courses, April 2008” (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2008).
- Army G-3/5/7, Army Civilian Education Policy (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2006).
- Army G-3/5/7, “Transforming Civilian Leader Development” (memorandum, Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2006).
Strategies and Reports:
- None.
Commentaries (inclusion does not represent endorsement):
- None.
This shelf is reserved for materials supporting a case study of the National Security Personnel System, an alternative “pay-for-performance” type system instituted for government civilians circa 2006-2011. It was a controversial system from its beginning, with its demise coming rapidly due to strong opposition from government workers’ unions and among the civilian workforce itself.
Faculty Publications:
- None.
Laws, Policies, Memos, and Regulations (sorted by regulation number):
- DoD Instruction 1400.25-M, Civilian Personnel Management, relevant subchapters (presently not available):
- Subchapter 1911: Conversion to NSPS
- Subchapter 1940: Performance Management
- Army, National Security Personnel System Campaign Plan of 2004 (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2004).
Strategies and Reports:
- Defense Business Board, Review of the National Security Personnel System, Report #FY09-06 (Washington, DC: Defense Business Board, 2009).
- Brewer, Gene A. (editor), “Enactment and Implementation of the National Security Personnel System: Policy Made and Policy Unmade,” Public Administration Review (December 2011): 900-908.
- This article is deemed as a work of the U.S. government per U.S. Code, Title 17.
- Farrell, Brenda S., HUMAN CAPITAL: Monitoring of Safeguards and Addressing Employee Perceptions are Key to Implementing a Civilian Performance Management System in DoD, Report #GAO-10-102 (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2010).
- Farrell, Brenda S., PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: DOD Is Terminating the National Security Personnel System, but Needs a Strategic Plan to Guide Its Design of a New System, Report #GAO-11-524R (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2011).
- Stewart, Derek, HUMAN CAPITAL: DoD Needs Better Internal Controls and Visibility over Costs for Implementing Its National Security Personnel System, Report #GAO-07-851 (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2007).
- Walker, David M. HUMAN CAPITAL: Observations on Final Regulations for DoD’s National Security Personnel System, Testimony Before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, Report #GAO-06-227T (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2006).
Commentaries (inclusion does not represent endorsement):
- None.
This shelf is reserved for materials pertaining to matters directly measuring or affecting workplace climate among civilian members of the services.
Faculty Publications:
- None.
Laws, Policies, Memos, and Regulations (sorted by regulation number):
- Army, “Base Realignment and Closure Employee Services Guide for Appropriated Fund Employees: A Guide to Placement Programs, Separation Incentives, Benefits and Entitlements Available to Army Employees Affected by BRAC” (memorandum, Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2005).
- Army, “Base Realignment and Closure Employee Services Guide for Nonappropriated Fund Employees: A Guide to Placement Programs, Separation Incentives, Benefits and Entitlements Available to Army Employees Affected by BRAC” (memorandum, Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2005).
- Army, FY05 Army Civilian Attitude Survey: US Army and Major Commands (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2005):
- Army, “Administrative Furlough: Frequently Asked Questions” (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2013).
- Army, “Natural Disasters,” Civilian Personnel Information Sheet (Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 2007).
Strategies and Reports:
- None.
Commentaries (inclusion does not represent endorsement):
- None.
Title image credit: U.S. Army photo, public domain.
Personnel (P): Manpower Strategies (PA) — Civilian Pers. Management (PC) — Development & Evaluation (PD) — Professional Military Education (PE) — Pay & Benefits (PP) — Recruiting & On-Boarding (PR) — Training & Credentialing (PT) — Utilization (PU) — All-Volunteer Force & Selective Service (PV) — Casualty & Survivor Programs (PX) — Service & Joint Personnel (PZ)
Library: Main Page — Professional Development (A) — Defense Enterprise (E) — Force Structure (F) — Modernization (M) — Personnel (P) — Readiness (R) — Special Enterprises (S) — Resource Management (X) — References (Z)